Good reasons
✔ Save water and associated costs
✔ Reduced materials, no rough-in kit required
✔ Reduced labour, easier and cheaper to install
✔ Touch free hygienic operation **see below**
✔ No expensive flushing valve
✔ No expensive electric timers or infrared sensors
✔ Lower maintenance costs
✔ Less risk of flooding and vandalism damage
✔ Save on air fresheners and perfumed tablets
✔ No freshwater pipes
✔ No flushing mechanism
✔ No mechanical or electrical parts
✔ No water required
✔ Reduces overall waste
✔ Fibreglass with a nonporous gel-coat surface, or
✔ Vitreous China with a nonporous gel-coat surface
✔ Ease of cleaning, simply spray and wipe
✔ Odourless
Hygienic touch free operation
The superior hygiene properties of the Waterless Urinal are directly attributable to its unique design and nonporous gel-coated surface which is highly resistant to water deposits, urine accumulation and bacterial residue; and the fact that the Waterless Urinal requires no water for flushing. Urine in its natural form is sterile and only contains bacteria when water is added. This defies the common belief that the conventional water using urinals would be more hygienic then Waterless Urinals. A recent study by an independent German government agency, LGA (Landesgewerbeabstalt Bayern) found that using Waterless Urinal system reduces bacteria concentrations in the urinal bowel area dramatically when compared to the conventional water using urinals.
More specifically, LGA found bacteria concentrations levels of between 114.42 to 360.54 KBE/100cm2 inside the conventional water using urinal bowl areas, compared to .6 to 42.30 KBE/100m2 found inside the Waterless Urinal bowls indicating 63% to 99% reduction in bacteria concentrations. The report also displayed the advantages of touch free operation. As part of the process, LGA tested the flush handle and found that the handle contained 275.00KBE/100m2. The table below displays the results of the bacteria concentrations analysis performed by LGA, the study displays the testing of 2 conventional water using urinals, the flush valve handle and 4 waterless urinals all tested under normal conditions.
Types of urinal and Testing Method
Urinal using water. Inner bowl - surface, before flushing
Urinal using water. Inner bowl - corner & side walls, before flushing
Urinal using water. Inner bowl - surface, after flushing
Urinal using water Inner bowl - corner & side walls, after flushing
Flush valve handle
Waterless Urinal No. 1, not cleaned
Waterless Urinal No. 2, not cleaned
Waterless Urinal No. 3, not cleaned
Waterless Urinal No. 4, not cleaned
Results (KBE/ 100cm2)*
Results (KBE/ 100cm2)*
Bacteria, Fungus, Mould
Bacteria, Fungus, Mould
Bacteria, Fungus, Mould
Bacteria, Fungus, Mould
Bacteria, Fungus, Mould
* NOTE: KBE/ 100cm2 = thousand units of Bacteria per 100cm2
NB. An independent laboratory commissioned by the German Government in 1997/98 (Landesgewerbeabstalt Bayrn) provided all information in this chart.